Picnic Point Reserve

With the combination of long dry grass, weather worn trees, drift wood, and endlessly stunning light, Picnic Point Reserve is always a popular pick.

Woy Woy Quarry

I'm a massive fan of Woy Woy Quarry. It has a little bit of everything.. bushland, flowers, marbled rock, even a lake! And you can't beat that white sand.

Watagans Forest

If you want solid forrest and woodland vibes, you cannot beat Watagans. And whether it's summer or winter, it always provides the most stunning dappled light.

Pearl Beach

Pearl Beach is always my top pick of the Central Coast beaches when it comes to light. Plus it has so many lovely little nocks and crannies, alongside some great rock walls and waterways.

Bouddi Cliffs

This spot always reminds me of an American desert hidden in Arizona or somewhere just as remote! You cannot beat those cliff faces and the wide ocean outlook.